Here you will find all that you need to prepare and facilitate your council training sessions.
Online Forms for Trainers:
GSVSC Training Print Order Form
Advancement Request
Council Trainer Procedures
GSVSC Training Publicity Request (#2345)
Training for Trainers Assessment (#3072)
Icimani Program Center Calendar
Sugar Hollow Program Center Calendar
Sacajawea Program Center Calendar
Interested in Becoming a Council Trainer?
Council Trainer Interest For (#3001)
Please complete this council trainer interest survey to share your training interests. New trainers attend a Training-for-Trainers course and will be partnered with experienced trainers.
Jodi Brodkin
Chief of Volunteer Experience
Invite-a-Friend to Train
As a council trainer, you are aware there is always a need for more trainers. So, help spread the word by inviting other committed Girl Scout volunteers to join us. You know what fun the trainers have when they get together! So, spread the word by reading the following, and email to volunteers you'd recommend becoming trainers.
Council Trainers Needed
Have you enjoyed a Girl Scout training you attended? Could you see yourself helping new leaders? We are in need of more volunteer council trainers, especially for CIT, Cadette Program Aide, Outdoor Education, Hiking, Backpacking, Event Planning, and Bronze, Silver, and Gold workshops! As a volunteer organization, we are always in need of trainers to help provide the most accurate information to our leaders, volunteers and older girls. If you love Girl Scouting, this is a great way to volunteer. Trainers are needed in all areas of the council (especially more rural areas) to bring training closer to each Girl Scout service unit.
Trainers are adults who:
- Work effectively with other adults and/or older girls
- Serve as role models for adult volunteers
- Are dedicated to and support the principles of Girl Scouting
- Like a flexible Girl Scout commitment
- Are responsible, dependable and follow through on their commitment
Council Trainer Position Description (#1628)