Behind every Girl Scout and volunteer is a team of local staff ready to help them earn that next badge, embark on a camping adventure, or organize an impactful service project. That’s what a Girl Scout council is. We are here to maintain camp properties, provide local Girl Scouts skill-building workshops and resources to achieve whatever they can dream up.
With support from dedicated adult volunteers, parents and staff, we deliver the best Girl Scout experience to close to 4,000 members: 2,600 girls and 1,300 adults in a 36-county area within Central, Southside, Southwest and Western Virginia. Our council's headquarters is located at Camp Icimani in Roanoke County, off of Yellow Mountain Road in the Clearbrook Community near Rt. 220. The Skyline Girl Scout Shop is also located at our headquarters. We enjoy three camp properties: Camp Icimani in Roanoke County, Camp Sacajawea in Bedford County and Camp Sugar Hollow in Albemarle County.
GSVSC Headquarters & Skyline Shop
(Girl Scout Camp
5488 Yellow Moutain Rd
Roanoke, VA
Office Phone #: 540-777-5100
Emergency Phone
#: 540-598-0974
The Skyline Shop is closed for now. The shop will continue to operate via email for scheduled pickups or by mail. Orders can be placed 24/7 with Girl Scouts of the USA online.
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