Everyone likes to feel appreciated for her or his volunteer service. Whether in the form of a simple thank-you for a small job well done or a formal commendation for years of faithful service in a key position of an organization, such acknowledgment is a signal to the recipient that she or he is noticed and appreciated—that she or he is recognized.
An attitude of appreciation can be created by:
When and how the recipient is recognized will make the expression of gratitude memorable. Recognitions might be made on:
For truly significant service, there is a formal adult recognition program in Girl Scouting. These council and national awards recognize outstanding accomplishments that go well beyond what would be expected for the position held.
Download the Virginia Skyline Adult and Girl Recognitions Summary (#4053) to determine:
For truly significant accomplishments, there is a formal girl award program in Girl Scouting. These council and national awards recognize outstanding accomplishments that go well beyond what would be expected of a girl.
Download the Virginia Skyline Adult and Girl Recognitions Summary (#4053) to determine: