The Virginia Skyline Archives Group is charged with the collection and preservation of objects of an historical nature related to Girl Scouting and its members, especially in the area now comprising Virginia Skyline Council; and to promote interest in and disseminate information about the history of Girl Scouting within the council. That means we collect old uniforms, old handbooks, memorabilia and old papers! It is great fun and the preservation of our council history is important. The Archives Group, which has been operating for over 25 years, is made up of volunteers who enjoy working with "old stuff." The group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of most months from 9 AM to 2 PM at the council headquarters in Roanoke. New members are welcome! This is a very informal group — come and stay as your time permits. If you are interested and want more information, please email Tricia McMahon, pomroomcm@aol.com (subject: GSVSC Archives).
Our History Along the Skyline
During this 6oth Anniversary Year, your Virginia Skyline Archives Group is going to highlight some interesting and fun facts about those 60 years in our council. Our History Along the Skyline will be featured every two weeks in stories and pictures in The Girl Scout Connection, on Facebook and here on this webpage.
Want to borrow historical uniforms dating all the way back to 1912!
Themed suitcases packed with program materials, and other resources? Putting together a local community display on the history of Girl Scouting?
Check out all of our incredible Historical Resources available for borrowing!
Program Materials Available to Borrow (flyer)
Lending Procedures for Historical Uniforms (#1170)
Historical Uniform Check-Out & Return Inventory (#1171)
Council History Program Resources Evaluation (#1172)
Tips on How to Care For and Store Photographs
Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council's 35th Anniversary History Book
A Scrapbook of Camp Memories
To borrow one of the suitcases or historical uniforms, complete Resource Reservation Form (#2159) and send it to council headquarters with the required refundable deposit. Leaders/Service Units are responsible for transporting the suitcase to and from council headquarters.
Test your Girl Scouts knowledge with our fun and fact-filled Girl Scout History Quiz!