I Froze My Cookies Off! Contest
Host a cookie booth photo on a cold day. Let us know the temperature for the day. You can include the temperature in your photo. Include your troop # and the names of the girls and volunteers in the photo.
Entries receive a fun patch for every girl in the photo. You may submit multiple entries in order to get all girls participating in booths with your troop entered, but only one patch per girl in the booth pictures will be awarded. Additional awards and prize drawings to be announced.
DEADLINE: March 17, 2025
HOW TO ENTER: Complete this online contest entry.

The Big Game Contest
Host a cookie booth on the weekend of Feb. 7-9. Create a cookie sign/poster with a Big Game theme and snap a photo of it at your cookie booth.
Entries receive a fun patch for every girl in the photo. You may submit multiple entries in order to get all girls participating in booths with your troop entered, but only one patch per girl in the booth pictures will be awarded. Additionally the troop will be entered into a drawing for one of six Cookie Capital vouchers for $50 each!
DEADLINE: March 17, 2025
HOW TO ENTER: Complete this online contest entry.

Valentine's Day Contest
It's Valentine's Day Weekend and a great time to tell your customers how a sweet treat like Girl Scout Cookies make a wonderful Valentine's Day gift. Host a cookie booth on the weekend of Feb.14-16. Create a cookie sign/poster with a Valentine's theme and your sweet treat sales pitch and snap a photo of it at your cookie booth.
Entries receive a fun patch for every girl in the photo. You may submit multiple entries in order to get all girls participating in booths with your troop entered, but only one patch per girl in the booth pictures will be awarded. Additionally the troop will be entered into a drawing for one of 14 Cookie Capital vouchers for $50 each!
DEADLINE: March 17, 2025
HOW TO ENTER: Complete this online contest entry.

National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend Contest
During Feb. 21-23, Girl Scouts across the nation will band together to speak as a single, powerful voice to raise awareness of the Girl Scout Cookie Program and to drive cookie sales. Make sure you have a cookie booth somewhere in a well-traveled or well-visited location on this weekend. There's also a National GS Cookie Weekend Patch that you can purchase for $2.00 OR you can get if for free with this council-wide cookie contest.
Host a cookie booth on National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend with your troop profits plan. Snap a photo of the cookie booth along with the poster/sign and the girls participating. Include your troop # and the names of the girls in the photo. NOTE: Booth themes cannot be combined; separate booths are required for each contest this weekend.
All girls at the booth will receive a National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend patch and there will be a drawing for 21 GSVSC $50 Cookie Capital vouchers from the troop/girl entries.
DEADLINE: March 17, 2025
HOW TO ENTER: Complete this online entry here.

NEW ADDITION: World Thinkig Day Contest
Host a World Thinking Day-themed cookie booth during the weekend of February 21-23 and make a sign or poster that shows what is important to you on this special Girl Scout/Girl Guide day. NOTE: Booth themes cannot be combined; separate booths are required for each contest this weekend.
There will be a drawing for 22 GSVSC $50 Cookie Capital vouchers from the contest entries.
DEADLINE: March 17, 2025
HOW TO ENTER: Complete this online entry here.

Cookie Walkabout Contest
Take your wagon, cart, or wheelbarrow, add some cookies, and stroll around your neighborhood with a parent. . Include your troop # and name. Snap a photo with your cart.
Walkabout Cookie Patch. Additional awards and prize drawings to be announced.
DEADLINE: March 17, 2025
HOW TO ENTER: link coming soon

[NEW] Guiding the Way: GSVSC Board Member Fun Patch
Our Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council board members live, work, and travel all over our council region. This cookie season, they will be on the lookout for Girl Scout Cookie booths. If they spot you and you’re wearing your sash, vest, or smock AND know your personal or troop cookie goals AND you tell them your fave thing about Girl Scouts, then you’ll receive a Guiding the Way/Board Member fun patch! Keep on the lookout to meet and greet a council board member!
GSVSC Guiding the Way Patch
March 17, 2025
- Host a cookie booth and make sure to wear your vest, sash, or smock.
- If a board member approaches you, let them know about your personal or troop goals.
- Let them know what other things you enjoy about Girl Scouts.

[NEW] Bicycling, Boating, Backpacking Barb’s Fun Patch
Have you been found by Bicycling, Boating, Backpacking Barb (aka 3B Barb, aka Barbara Duerk)? She is a longtime Girl Scout Alum and the founder of The Skyline Adventurers, our high adventure program for girls ages 11-17 who participate in bicycling, boating, backpacking, rock climbing, caving, hiking, travel, and other unique activities. 3B Barb travels a lot throughout our council and this cookie season she’ll be on the lookout for cookie booths. If she finds you and you’re in your sash, vest, or smock or even better, full uniform AND know your personal or troop goals AND can recite the Girl Scout Promise, then she will bestow upon you this beautiful “B” fun patch! Keep your eyes peeled for 3B Barb!
BBB Barb Fun Patch
March 17, 2025
- Host a cookie booth and make sure to wear your vest, sash, or smock.
- If Barbara visits your cookie booth let her know about your personal or troop goals.
- Recite the Promise and Law
- Let her know what other things you enjoy about Girl Scouts.