Wild Women's Weekend 2025
Date: Fri Mar 14, 6:00 PM EST - Sun Mar 16, 2:00 PM EST
  • Volunteers

The 2025 Wild Women's & Men's Weekend will take place at Camp Bethel in Fincastle, VA (Botetourt Co.) just 10 minutes off of I-81. The theme is Adventurers Olympics.

Spend a fun-filled weekend training to become an Adventurers Coordinator! Newcomers will complete council Event Training and will join the returning coordinators for Adventurers training, including going through the steps to plan an actual event. Newcomers must complete the online council 281 GS201 Trips and Overnights Training in gsLearn before the weekend.

Weekend highlights will include:
 themed costume contest at the banquet
 5 delicious meals on Saturday and Sunday
 Adventurers annual banquet and meeting
 new coordinators trainings
 spending time with sister Girl Scouts
 annual silent auction and book sale to raise funds for girl scholarships
 accommodations include a lodge with bunk rooms and bathrooms or you can tent/hammock camp outside in the field

DATES/TIMES: Friday, March 14, 6 PM to Sunday, March 16, 2 PM
PLACE: Camp Bethel, 328 Bethel Rd, Fincastle, VA
COST: $65 for new & returning coordinators
TO REGISTER: email or mail Adventurers Adult Registration (#2277-A) to:

Debbie Clark
6661 Christopher Drive
Roanoke, VA 24018

NOTE ON REGISTRATION: under "Additional Information" please indicate any bunking requests, i.e. roommates, upper or lower bunk, single sex. We will honor based on availability.

PAYMENT: pay with Venmo (@GSAdventurers-GSTroop1912 and note for "WWW 2025") or a credit card by contacting Laura Burchett at Lauraburchett90@gmail.com OR mail a check (made payable to Adventurers-Girl Scout Troop 1912 and note for "WWW 2025") to: Debbie Clark, 6661 Christopher Drive, Roanoke, VA 24018

Debbie Clark, denmotherfor3@yahoo.com
Laura Burchett, 540-354-4877, Lauraburchett90@gmail.com

Adventurers is an action-oriented group of older Girl Scouts who are seeking exciting activities to challenge their capabilities, broaden their horizons, and increase their self-confidence. It is for girls ages 11-17 and in grades 6-12. Members often participate in rock climbing, caving, kayaking, backpacking, travel, hiking and other similar high-adventure activities. Check-out the latest Adventurers news via our Facebook private group and Instagram page.